    Health Smart Product Offerings

    Today, Tomorrow, Forever

    At Elkay, we take pride in serving both residential and commercial customers. You’ll find our products in home kitchens and entertaining spaces, as well as health care and educational facilities.



    Explore our range of cutting-edge home and commercial products designed for a safer and more hygienic environment. In homes, our non-porous quartz sinks boast an exclusive edgeless Perfect Drain® feature, ensuring optimal hygiene. For commercial applications, we have touchless bottle filling stations and lead-reducing filters. Here’s a look at just some of our innovative products that contribute to a safer world.






    Featured Products

    ezH2O® Bottle Filling Stations

    Elkay bottle filling stations feature hands-free sensor activation providing users with a  touchless, more hygienic bottle filling experience, while minimizing usage of single-use plastic disposable bottles. 

    Hands-free Faucets

    With sensor-activated options, our commercial faucets help keep scrub and hand wash stations more sanitary with fewer touch points.

    Hands-free Water Coolers

    Elkay's has sensor-activated coolers in a variety of styles and configurations to provide more hygienic hydration. Mouth guards are manufactured with silver ion antimicrobial agent helping to provide clean, stain- and odor-free surfaces. 



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    Hands-free Hydration

    Hands-free Water Delivery Products

    Elkay has a selection of no-touch, sensor-activated bottle filling stations, water coolers and dispensers in a variety of styles and configurations to provide more hygienic hydration.



    Outdoor Tubular Bottle Filling Station Foot Pedal Accessory

    A Hygienic Upgrade.

    Convert outdoor bottle filling stations to hands-free units with this easy-to-install foot activation pedal. On playgrounds, educational campuses and recreational areas where health and safety are top of mind, this accessory offers the option to fill reusable water bottles without using the standard push button. Order with a new unit or retrofit an existing one.

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    Download Sell Sheet
    Download Compatibility Guide

    Outdoor Tubular Bottle Filling Station Foot Pedal



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    Operational Status Updates

    Given the widespread impact of the unfolding Coronavirus pandemic, we understand that our customers may be concerned about Elkay’s operational status and have questions related to the care & cleaning of our drinking water products.

    Operational Updates


    All US Elkay production plants & distribution facilities remain open and are currently operating at normal production capacities. 



    Elkay is committed to protecting the health of our employees as we continue operations and has developed a plan to enhance sanitation in each location, while also enforcing social distancing protocols.



    We currently are not experiencing any major supply shortages at any of our operations. 



    Product Resources

    Care and Cleaning

    We suggest that you continue to monitor the CDC’s website for the most recent information related to methods and materials to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.  

    For Elkay drinking water products, follow the cleaning directions outlined in the instructions provided with your product or visit our website for more information. If you choose to use a disinfectant, use only the following products:

    • Virox Technologies, Inc. PREempt Wipes
    • Clorox Commercial Solutions® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfecting Wipes
    • Clorox Healthcare® Disinfectant Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Wipes 

    Once you have used any disinfectant on an Elkay drinking water product, it must be thoroughly wiped dry with a water-dampened clean cloth after the specified disinfectant contact time as indicated on the disinfectant product.

    For more information, please view the Notice to Elkay Customers (English | Spanish).

    If your facility had an extended closure caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19), your Elkay drinking water products may have remained unused for 4-6 weeks or longer. This could lead to stagnant water residing within the building plumbing or the product itself. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommendations noted in, Maintaining or Restoring Water Quality in Buildings With Low or No Use, stagnation introduces the possibility for bacteria growth within the water supply, rendering it potentially unsafe for users. Prior to reopening, Elkay recommends following these guidelines.



    Product Literature

    Filter Portfolio Matrix (F-5541)


    Hands-free Drinking Water Solutions (F-5530)

    Health Smart Sell Sheet (F-5326)

    Hands-free Drinking Water Flyer (F-5332)

    Touchless Water Delivery Sell Sheet (F-5387)

    Hands-free EZ Water Cooler Conversion Kit (F-5394)

    ezH2O Retrofit Bottle Filling Station Kit (F-5403)

    Retrofit Bottle Filling Stations Compatibility Guide (F-5534)

    Outdoor Tubular Bottle Filling Station Foot Pedal Accessory (F-5558)

    Outdoor Foot Pedal Accessory Compatibility Guide (F-5569)

    Refrigerated Surface Mount Bottle Filling Stations (F-5565)



    COVID-19 Funding Opportunity for Schools

    CARES Act - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act 
    CSSRA - The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act
    Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund and ESSER II

    CARES Act ESSER and CSSRA ESSRA II funding can help K-12 schools maintain cleaner, healthier environments during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. The purpose of the CARES Act is to provide states with funding to prevent, prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act 2021 (CRRSA), was signed into law on December 27, 2020 and provides an additional $54.3 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER II Fund).

    The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund is the portion of the CARES Act that awards grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs) with emergency funds to address the impact of the coronavirus. The ESSER II is the additional funding under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act 2021.

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    American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund

    The Department announced the allocation that each SEA will receive under the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund, totaling $122 billion in relief for K-12 schools. Funds are provided to state educational agencies and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s students.

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